Building a house is a complex but exciting process. From the first moment you have a vision of the perfect home to when you find the perfect spot, hire your dream team, and see your dream come to life, there are many steps in between. How the building gets built falls under two categories: design bid build and design-build.

What is the design-build process?

This process describes a building scenario in which a single company is in charge of the whole process with different teams within the company responsible for different parts of that process. From preconstruction planning to acquiring building permits, design and construction, the builder is responsible. The company employs its own architects, artisans, builders, etc. or finds appropriate subcontractors whom they have worked with before.

The process starts out with the homeowner selecting the design-build company that they think will best align with their needs. The company then gets to know the homeowner’s vision and budget. They also inspect the site. Once budget and timeline agreements are made, the architectural team steps in, and price estimates are determined along with the building schedule. Construction is the next step, followed by post-construction in which the owner confirms whether their expectations were met. This building process is newer compared to the design-bid-build model.

What is the traditional design-bid-build process?

The design-bid-build process is the traditional way of building. You hire an architect that comes up with a design that has been developed by its sub-contractors. Following the design stage, you start a bidding process in which different building companies try to outbid each other in an effort to build your home. These companies then sub-contract the different aspects of the building, such as plumbing, HVAC system, flooring, or roofing.

As the homeowner, you have to manage two separate contracts: one for the architectural design company and another for the construction company. This means you end up having to be the middleman between the two companies should any changes or disagreements come up.

Key Aspects of Design Build

The beauty of having a design-build contract is its efficiency. This stems from the ability to easily communicate your needs throughout the building process and hold one company accountable for the outcome.

Myths about Design Build

As the more traditional method, some people are hesitant to consider anything other than the design-bid-build approach. So when people opt for design-bid-build vs design-build, they may be doing so based on some misconceptions they have about the design-build process. These myths typically revolve around the cost and control of both creativity and the overall project. We will debunk these myths below.

A homeowner may fear that once they hire a company, the project will be out of their control. Design-build companies are collaborative throughout the entire design and construction process. They are working to fulfill your dream, so you are definitely included in the process.

Design build companies work with you to find designs that are both functional and aesthetically pleasing. They are constantly finding ways to be innovative compared to the traditional building method.

Using design-build can actually save you up to 20% of what you would otherwise pay. This is for two reasons. The company is always looking for ways to cut material costs. They also build in a shorter amount of time, therefore, reducing labour costs.

Cost is not the only consideration for design-build projects. Using qualified, skilled professionals is a top priority, and the project goals and required skills are what determine who gets the job.

Debunking More
Design Build Myths

Overall, when it comes to construction, the design-build process is the way to go. It saves you time and money while offering the best in innovation and quality. It also supports local professional designers and builders.

Here at Artycon, we are with you every step of the way to build your dream house. To get started, call us at 416-900-3563. You can also fill our online contact form or email us for details.